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Event Photographer

We offer both Stationary and Roaming Photographer experiences. Our Roaming Event Photographers go where the action is to capture your guests as they experience your event, while our Stationary Photographers are placed at a physical location to capture your guests as they walk the Red Carpet or in front of a Step & Repeat backdrop. We often use Stationary Photographers for Celebrity Meet & Greets. 

We offer custom Branded Prints and Instant Sharing capabilities for both Roaming and Stationary Photography Services.

A Photographer captures a photo of a woman posing with one of the Smurfs


Add on faux paparazzi with a faux fanbase with signs and teeshirts, and we can have a red carpet experience your guest will never forget! Customize your step and repeat background and carpet with the color of your choice to match your own brand. Even allow guest to instantly upload photos directly on site to their own social media!